Upcoming Cause Mapping Public Workshops


A complete investigation

The ultimate output of an investigation is the implementation of the action items to prevent failures from occurring.  The purpose of a comprehensive investigation is a thorough and accurate understanding of the incident so that the most effective solutions can be identified.  An investigation has a very specific purpose.  Everyone participating in the investigation should be focused on positively impacting the overall goals of the organization.

The steps and tools covered in this article are all parts of a complete investigation.  Each step and each tool has a specific way of capturing and presenting information.  They are intended to simplify and organize all of the different pieces of information that become part of an investigation.

Documenting the investigation as it is being conducted plays a significant role in how well people understand what happened and why.  How clearly the incident is documented can affect how well the investigation goes.  The rate that the information is collected also can affect how well the investigation goes.  The point of all this is that effective investigations cause organizations to become more effective.  Likewise ineffective investigations are a competitive disadvantage.

Experiment with and practice any one or all of the steps and tools in this article.  Begin, now, to improve the way your group analyzes, documents, communicates and solves problems.